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The NA48 experiment at the Cern SPS aims at measuring the direct CP violation parameter with a precision of about 2 10 [1] by comparing the relative decay rates of short- and long-lived kaons into two neutral or two charged pions:

The principle of the experiment consists in collecting the four relevant decay modes concurrently in the same detector, using almost collinear and beams distinguished by tagging the proton which produces the particle. In this way, differences and variations in detection efficiencies for and decays become unimportant, as do rate dependent effects introduced by accidental activity in the detector elements.

High-rate capability and high-resolution detectors for the identification of the charged and neutral pion modes and for the proton tagging system are necessary to provide excellent background rejection and to keep the systematical uncertainties at the desired level.

Paolo Calafiura
Fri Jun 27 09:53:22 MET DST 1997