OPAL SW Calorimeter Construction

Construction of the SW Calorimeter

This is a description of the silicon-tungsten (SiW) calorimeter system.

The two calorimeters are finely segmented both radially and longitudinally, so we can achieve very good position and energy resolution.

Here you can seen an image of a piece of ceramic glued to a piece of silicon. Also visible are the Amplex chips.

(a ceramic)

Here is another image showing an entire detector wedge consisting of silicon, ceramic with readout components and the cabling.

(a detector wedge)

Each calorimeter is segmented into 19 layers; each layer consists of 16 such detector wedges; each detector wedge is divided into 64 pads; there are thus 38912 channels in the entire system. The following image shows a motherboard for a half-layer containing 8 detector wedges.

(a halfring)

Here is an image of an entire calorimeter module.

(a module)

Finally, here is a schematic drawing of what the detector looks like when installed; visible are the beam pipe, the pressure pipe, and various support structures.

(cutaway drawing)

Related information

(up) Information about the silicon tungsten calorimeter
(next) The performance of the SW calorimeter in 1993

d.wagner 15-May-94